A political issue that needs more attention

During the course of the past few months and certainly in the months leading up to next November’s general election, you will hear candidates talk about many issues such as the economy, immigration, health care, national security, income inequality and climate change. There is no doubt all of these issues are important and deserved to […]

Donald Trump vs. the Pope

There was a rather interesting battle going on the other day involving, to no ones surprise, Donald Trump and the Pope. The Pope made a comment about Trump not being a Christian because he wants to build a wall to stop illegals from entering this country. In the Pope’s own words “we should be building […]

Kobe’s legacy

There was a lot of talk and discussion during last weekend’s NBA all-star game about Kobe Bryant since it was his last all-star game in his final season. A very common question seemed to involve Bryant’s rank among the greats of the game. Is he the best ever, top 5, or top 10? How does […]

What about a non-partisan Federal Supreme Court?

The recent sudden passing of Justice Antonin Scalia has left a lot of debate in the past week over his replacement, and whether our current President should nominate the replacement immediately or maybe the next President, who will take office next January, should be responsible for choosing Scalia’s replacement. The whole issue here is a […]

How much do you really love your partner?

Today is Valentine’s Day and for the past week, I have heard countless stories from people who really want to use this day as a way of expressing their love to that special person in their lives. Many have talked about buying flowers, jewelry or other special gifts. One young man talked about how his […]

Does football have a future?

Many of us will sit down today and watch arguably the biggest sporting event of the year in this country, the Super Bowl. With all of the stories starting to come out about concussions and the safety of football, one has to wonder about the future of football, in particular the NFL. Is football a […]

What is so great about Bernie Sanders?

One of the early surprises of the 2016 presidential race has been the emergence of an old 74-year-old Democratic socialist who talks with a thick Brooklyn accent. His name is Bernie Sanders and this old geezer has been gaining in popularity everyday, especially with younger people. His speeches seem to have caught on with many […]