Remember the poor on Christmas

While watching the news on the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as Black Friday, I happened to notice a very stark contrast between a couple of news items that popped up. The first one went into detail about how much money people in this country were projected to spend this year on Christmas and how […]

Much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving

  Just from watching news reports on television and reading print media online or in newspapers, one could really get the impression that there are a lot of very unhappy people in this country right now. People are complaining about the economy, police brutality, income inequality, national security and so forth. It is like this […]

My 2015 Turkey of the Year awards

This is a week when many of us reflect and give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. However, a certain level of negativity always pops in my mind during this time of the year that threatens those good positive thoughts of thankfulness. Yes, this is also the time of the year when I […]

Welcome to Utopia University in Missouri

There are certain news stories these days that really makes you wonder if we have lost it as a society. The recent news from the university of Missouri fits right in with my theory that our country is becoming crazier by the day. It appears that a few young whippersnapper college students were offended by […]

Why would anyone want to run for president?

During the past year, approximately what? 649 candidates from the Republican side have declared their intentions to seek the office of the U.S. president in 2016 as well as several from the Democratic side. In addition, there are many independent and minor party candidates to further add to the collection. Of those many candidates, one […]

A huge life lesson from a football coach

Taking a back seat in this week’s sports headlines was a story about a college football coach who suddenly decided to resign his position because of health reasons. His name is Jerry Kill, the coach of the Minnesota Gophers. Kill has been the head coach of the Gophers for the past 5 years, During his […]