Thoughts on the Super Bowl

Well, the big game is just hours away.  My refrigerator is stocked with all the goodies I need so I am ready. However, for some reason, I am not as excited for this game as I should be. It just does not seem like the marque match up that I would want for a Super […]

Washington needs to stimulate the private sector

This morning, one of the headlines in the paper really caught my eye. 55,000 job cuts were announced  and  during the local evening news, I learned that a major employer in Minneapolis was cutting 1000 jobs due to a slow 4th quarter. This seems to be a daily occurrence. Everyday, a headline reads more jobs […]

The media’s love affair with Barack Obama

Like many Americans,  I enjoy watching the nightly national news on television. It is a time when I can relax after work, have some dinner and find out what is going on in the world around me. Lately,  I have noticed that my enjoyment in watching the national news has gone down considerably.  I really […]

The joy of watching high school sports

In this bad economy, people are being careful about spending too much on entertainment especially when it comes to attending sporting events. For instance, if I wanted to attend a Timberwolves game at the Target center, I would have to shell out  70 dollars for a good lower level seat on top of paying at […]

The first black president

A very historic day will take place on January 20th when Barack Obama is sworn in as president of the United States.  He will become the first African American president this country has ever seen and all I have to say, it is about time! As recent as about 40-50 years ago, blacks were not […]

My thoughts on the legacy of George W. Bush

Whenever someone mentions the name George W. Bush these days, the thought of failure comes to mind for most folks. Currently, the president has the lowest approval ranking of any president and most people around the country would probably tell Bush not to let the door hit you in the you know what this Tuesday […]

Middle East peace? When hell freezes over!!

The big story which has dominated the news in the last few days has been the major conflict between Israel and Hamas. Yesterday, things started to escalate in this conflict when Israeli troops invaded the Gaza strip and fighting soon erupted between the two sides. Personally, I cannot blame Israel for trying to defend itself […]