The rather disturbing direction of the United States

Donald Trump gave a somewhat sobering assessment of the current state of the United States during his Republican nomination acceptance speech. He was totally upfront and honest about the many problems facing this country at the current time. That honesty did not sit well with many folks who viewed his speech as being too dark […]

My divorce from the Democrat party

Ronald Reagan once said “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left me”.  I think many people can relate to that great quote including myself. Once upon a time during my college years, I was a supporter of the Democratic party and what they stood for. I was under the impression that they […]

Make America great again by looking in the mirror.

Anyone watching the Republican Convention this week will probably notice a sign on a wall with the words “Make America Great Again”. That slogan has been the trademark of Donald Trump’s campaign. There is no question that we as a nation have slipped in the last 10 years of so. Household income has gone down, […]

Is Nice, France now the new normal?

A network news anchor finished his broadcast from Nice, France with a rather sobering question for all of us. “Is this latest horrific attack now the new normal?” was his question to millions of viewers watching the news broadcast. I paused for a second and thought to myself, well sadly it probably is. My follow-up […]

The surprising Kevin Durant decision

One of the topics that has the sports world buzzing these days is the somewhat surprising announcement by NBA superstar Kevin Durant that he is leaving Oklahoma City and signing on with the Golden State Warriors. I was personally stunned when heard his decision on the 4th of July, but in the grand scheme of […]

Those insane NBA contracts

There are many very talented young talented multi-sport athletes who are currently trying to decide which sport to go on and pursue at the college or professional level. For instance, a high school kid might be a standout football, basketball and baseball player. He has the potential to play professional at any of the three. […]