America 19 years later

 Last Friday September 11th marks the 19 year anniversary of one of the darkest days in United States when 3000 plus people were killed in multiple terrorist attacks. Reflections on that day have been pouring out all weekend and I would like to go even further and compare the United States then with what it […]

Want real change?, start with yourself

 The message is loud and clear, people are demanding change to these so-called racial injustices that seem to be the talk of the nation. The word change might be the most used word of the year. Talk show hosts are demanding sweeping changes to our justice system. We have many professional sports athletes talk about […]

Grateful to be living in the United States

 There seems to be another epidemic gripping this country besides the coronavirus. Thousands of people seem to be very ungrateful about being citizens of the United States. You see their comments on social media about how bad this country is. How we should be more like Europe and so on. Members of a certain political […]