The sad plight of the class of 2020

Back many years ago when I was a senior in high school, my last month in high school was among the best and most memorable month of my life. I felt in some days like I was in heaven. It was a very enjoyable ending to one part of my life as I looked forward […]

A couple of valuable lessons from the pandemic

There are a couple of ways to approach a very adverse situation. You can cower down into some corner and feel deeply sorry about your situation or you can evaluate the circumstances and learn. When one can learn and become a better person because of a difficult situation, that person will have demonstrated what their […]

Great advice from my mother

Mother’s Day is a great day to honor those wonderful people in our lives and what they have done for us. Behind every good person in our society is probably a great mother who raised that person the right and proper way. We all probably have stories about certain things that our mothers taught us […]

The often forgotten casualties of this pandemic

Many news outlets love to hype up this pandemic by showing stories of people who have survived the misfortune of contracting the corna virus. I have seen numerous stories during the past week of people who endured countless hours in some hospital ICU only to dramatically survive and return home. My heart goes out to […]

When will sports come back?

Nothing will more signify that we are back to normal than having sports return and stadiums and arenas filled with fans. As a huge sports fan, I greatly long for that day to arrive. This is like the worst nightmare ever for us sports fans. Who would have ever imagined this current scenario where all […]