Accused men can be victims too

One of the things that really upsets me about this huge story with the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is the reaction on social media. It is automatically assumed by many that Kavanaugh did abuse Dr. Christine Ford. People argue that based on what Dr. Ford said during her testimony. She […]

Kavanaugh or Ford, who do you believe?

Like many people in this country, I was deeply curious to watch the Seante Judicial hearings last Thursday involving Dr. Christine Baisley Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. I was lucky enough to have a day off from work, a nice long weekend, so I decided to check out the hearing. My biggest curiosity was seeing […]

Thou shalt not hit a quarterback

In an effort to make the National Football League a lot safer, officials are cracking down on violent hits by players such as leading with the helmet when making a tackle. I can certainly understand the logic behind these new stricter enforcement of the rules. Head injuries suffered by players can be very serious and […]

Fake allegations against Kavanaugh?

Just when you thought the Brett Kavanaugh nomination for the Supreme Court could not get any crazier, it has. A California processor named Christine Ford has come forward with allegations of sexual assault by Kavanaugh. According to Ford, Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party nearly 36 years ago. How this will affect the nomination […]

The wild and crazy Kavanaugh hearings

You would think that a highly qualified candidate for the Supreme Court would have no problem getting confirmed. Brett Kavanaugh is one of the most qualified potential justices that has ever been nominated and his appointment as one of the justices should be a slam dunk. But in the very divisive world that we live […]

A terrible decision by Nike

As a very active guy, I am constantly buying sporting apparel and products. One of the things that I love about shopping for those things is that I have a wide variety of companies to chose from. Nike, Under Armour and Adidas are among my favorite brands. It is safe to say many folks share […]