The terror debate, Obama vs. Cheney

Last week, both President Obama and former vice president Dick Cheney gave speeches within a few hours of each other.  Obama in his typical fashion talked about closing Guantanamo Bay without really offering many specifics about his plans on what to do with the remaining prisoners.  He also talked about the same old thing about […]


Every year, a certain illness strikes thousands of young people who are in their last year of high school and tends to really get worse in the spring time.  Many people in the medical field have tried but have yet to solve this common illness among young people called senioritis. The symptoms start out with […]

Vikings can’t lose with Favre

During the last few weeks, there has been a lot of speculation and rumors about the fate of Brett Favre and whether he will come out of retirement and play for the Vikings.  It is a hot sports item both nationally and locally here in the Twin Cities. I swear that some of the local […]

My mother’s best simple advice

While driving to visit my mother this morning, I had a thought come across my mind. What was the best advice my mother ever gave me? I cannot really pin point any particular thing because my mom gave me some good advice on a number of things.  Everything from proper manners, taking care of my […]

Obama’s first 100 days, just more of the same crap

Yesterday marked the 100 day mark of  President Obama’s tenure as a president and it was very interesting to listen to some of the political commentators talk about his first 100 days in office and what lies ahead.  Personally, I think 100 days is way too short of a time frame to judge a new […]